Here are some ACT and SAT test prep tools and tips that can help you get ahead of the curve. Best of all these resources are “free”.
Although you may find a few colleges that rely more on your high school grades, the ACT and SAT are incredibly important tests for most college admittance, scholarships, potential work/study programs or internships. Colleges will normally accept your score from either test. You don’t have to take both. Oklahoma offers both the ACT and the SAT to 11th grader for free. Oklahoma students have traditionally chosen to take the ACT to fulfill the entrance requirements of colleges and universities. The number of Oklahoma high school graduates in 2016 who took the ACT was 32,854, or 82 percent. The number of Oklahoma high school graduates in 2016 who took the SAT was 1,503, or less than 4 percent. The main reason some people took the SAT was that there are a few colleges and scholarships programs like the the National Merit Scholarship that require the SAT. So as you research the colleges you wand to attend and scholarships that you want to apply for, check and make sure they are not one of the exceptions that requires the SAT. Also some people have a particular affinity for one to the other. You can use this guide to determine whether you’re likely to have strong preference for the ACT or the SAT. You might also try taking a practice test of each and comparing your scores.
The ACT has four sections — English, math, reading, and ccience — while the SAT has three sections — reading, writing, and math. The ACT gives you less time per question than the SAT, and it tests you on analyzing experiments and data in the Science section, while not testing you explicitly on vocabulary like the SAT does. Find out Spend some time researching the tests, looking at sample questions, and thinking about your skills and preferences.
You will definitely want to take at least four prep tests and balance this practice with some focused prep on your weaknesses after each practice test. You’ll should start prepping for the ACT and SAT tests well before test day, that is normally done in the Spring of you Junior year.
YPNG has picked out some valuable ACT/SAT prep resources that are helpful, convenient, user-friendly, smart, and are completely free.
ACT / SAT Websites
One of the best places to learn all you can about the entrance exams is their very own websites. ACT takers can learn about test tips, read descriptions of the subjects tested, view sample questions, and browse through a downloadable booklet that contains a practice test, scoring key, test info, and more. ACT also has links to other prep opportunities, some of which do cost, but the free resources are great help too.
For the SAT students, the official site offers study guides, study plans, practice tests, information on what you’ll be tested on, and a breakdown of the SAT. Additionally, the SAT site provides a bunch of tips, tricks, strategies, and suggestions on how to study for, and take the entrance exam.
This site allows users to view tutorials, answer practice questions, create flashcards, and so much more in preparation for the ACT or SAT. The course is customized and adapts based on the user’s skill level and keeps track of what they’ve studied and how well they’re doing. There is even immediate feedback for every incorrect answer on a practice test, so the user can learn from their mistake and push forward towards a better score. has features from a vocabulary builder to a study plan email system. Every aspect of the site is designed to help students prepare to the best of their abilities. One user commented, “I couldn’t believe this when my friend told me that I can study for SAT using the computer. But now after studying something I can say that it is really helpful. THANK YOU very much for making this cool website.”
Steven S. via Flickr
The name says it all. This site offers a host of prep tools, including practice questions, video explanations, study guides, ACT/SAT articles, and flashcards. With easy navigation and a no-hassle setup, students can dive right into subject-by-subject quizzes that offer feedback on incorrect answers.
With a focus on high quality and student success, FreeTestPrep is a great tool for students looking to get an edge on the the ACT/SAT.
Power Score is a for profit company that has an area on their site with “Free” SAT Help and Self Study area where you will find articles, free materials, advice and other information designed to increase your understanding of the SAT and the college admissions process. This is a well respected company with up to date prep materials.
PrepFactory offers test preparation courses for a variety of tests — all for free! The company is passionate about closing the opportunity gap in education and want to make high-quality test prep available to all. Its platform can be used by students individually, or by teachers to guide an entire class of students through a test preparation course.
The ACT course offered by PrepFactory is easy to access. There’s no cost, just log in with an email address and password. You can work through strategy and skill lessons, watch videos on specific topics, take practice sets, and play games focused on words, numbers, and grammar. All of your activity on PrepFactory earns you XP points, which makes study time feel a more fun and perhaps even productive. The platform allows you to follow a laid out study path and track your progress as you move through the course.
Your School
Many schools offer ACT/SAT review sessions for materials you maybe haven’t covered in a while; it’s always a good idea to take advantage of these sessions to dust off and polish those skills. The review sessions allow students to take notes, practice, study with peers, and ask the teachers clarifying questions.