High School Action Plan

This article lists actions plans for high school students who want to prepare for college and look for scholarship options. It has plans for each of the four years of high school that will help a student focus on what are the most important things to do each year. The article stresses that students need to set specific goals for their high school education if they want to be prepared to enter college and be competitive when they apply for scholarships.

Whether or not you plan on attending college, high school is a good time to begin to take inventory of your aspirations, experiences, strengths, and weaknesses and start to figure out what sorts of things you might like doing when you’re on your own. You don’t need to have a precise career plan pinned down immediately, but during your first two years of high school, especially, you will want to begin to think about broad categories of education and employment you might want to pursue later on.

Read the full article on Scholarship.com

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