Here is a link to an article about the advantages for someone interested in getting a four year degree or starting their college career at a community college for two years and then transferring. Read More
This article ranks 100 jobs by the potential growth in job opportunities. It takes in a wide range of careers that include some that require graduate school like being a dentist to occupations in the health care sector that require only a few weeks training like being a phlebotomist. The article also gives up to date salary ranges. All jobs aren’t created equal. In fact, some are simply better than the rest. U.S. News 100 Best Jobs of 2014 offer a mosaic of employment opportunity, good salary, manageable work-life balance and job security. Some careers offer just the right mix of these components – for instance, nearly 40 percent of our picks are health care jobs – but the list also includes strong showings from occupations in the social services and business sectors. And for the first time, our No. 1 pick is a technology job. Read more about it on
This is a recent article in the New York times that points out changes that have been made to the Student Loan program. Specifically it describes the way the program has shifted to an income based repayment program with provisions for debt forgiveness under certain circumstances. There are also accelerated forgiveness programs for people who choose careers in fields like education and non profits. Make sure you understand how this loan program has evolved. Read More
Getting a degree is very expensive and sometimes, it can get you tangled up in student loans that takes ages to pay if you’re lucky enough to land a lucrative job. This article outlines 7 of the top high-paying jobs to aspire for to make it easier to pay your debts and save you a lot on interest cost. Read the full article at
There are many opportunities for scholarships. Especially attractive are scholarships from the IT sector, which is one of the sectors that grew the fastest din recent years. It would be a benefit for you if you have some previous experience in developing Web and Andorid application, it can help you as a reference when applying for a scholarship. I want to suggest you that look for additional answers at where you can explore the many opportunities for scholarships from around the world. You also have the option to set search parameters: location where you want to study, which sector, language, partially or fully paid etc. As proof you can look at a number of success stories of students who utilize this at All I’m saying is from personal experience. In this way I started an international internship program.
For anyone doing research on a particular college major and colleges that offer a strong program in that major, this books is invaluable. The 2015 edition covers every college major identified by the U.S. Department of Education—over 1,200 majors are listed in all. This is also the only guide that shows what degree levels each college offers in a major, whether a certificate, associate, bachelor’s, master’s or doctorate. Read More
This article gives YPNG members the most recent numbers on the value of a college education in general without talking about specific degrees. It shows that the gap between the earnings of college graduates and high school graduates is growing and makes a strong case for attending college and higher education in general. The article also discusses the increasing cost of college and the better value of public colleges compared to private institutions. It should convince the most skeptical that some kind of education beyond high school is an important factor in determining economic success whether it is college or technical training. High school graduates are losing out as their incomes are not rising as fast as people with additional job training. The Pew Research Center analyzed 2010 Census Bureau data and found that the typical adult with only a bachelor’s degree will earn $1.42 million over a 40-year career, or...
Scholarships, Financial Aid and Ways to Reduce College Costs Index (Click on Blue to Navigate) I. Waivers for College Applications and Testing Fees II. Application for Federal Student Aid ( FAFSA ) III. Types of Financial Aid IV. Financial Aid Programs Specifically for Oklahoma Students V. Improve Your Scholarship Hunt With Alternative Search Engines VI. Community Foundation Scholarships VII. How Scholarships are Paid VIII. Other Ways to Help Pay for College or Reduce Costs IX. Childcare in College X. Preparing a College Budget I. Fee Waivers for College Applications and Testing Colleges charge a fee to submit an admissions application and there are fees associated with taking the ACT and SAT academic tests that most colleges require. But these fees can be waived based on your family’s income. As a rule of thumb, if you qualify for free or reduced lunches, you will qualify for these fee waivers. You can apply...
This short article is an example of many similar articles that talk about the recent expansion of apprenticeship programs in the U.S. It is meant to show why states are working with business to expand these programs. More information on apprenticeships is on the YPNG website and is discussed in several Mentor articles particularly those in the skilled trades. In late 2013, the Wisconsin Legislature approved two bills that have since been signed into law. One expands the state’s existing apprenticeship program, while the second creates a new tuition-reimbursement program. With passage of these proposals, Wisconsin joins 16 other states that offer subsidies to students or businesses engaging in apprenticeship programs, according to the Center for American Progress. SB 336 increases funding for the Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship Program by $500,000 annually. The program provides on-the-job training and technical, college-level instruction at local high schools. In 2012, the...